Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Like many who discover a passion for child birth, I began my journey towards becoming a doula after attending my nephews birth when I was 13 years old. Since then, I have attended many births, both as a friend/family member as well as professionally; and have personally given birth to 5 children of my own. When I became pregnant with my first child, I simply assumed that I would receive prenatal care from an OB/GYN and show up at my local hospital when the moment came to deliver my baby. However, I soon discovered that women have a myriad of choices in how and when and where they can deliver their babies, but unless they are guided, supported, and empowered with knowledge and education, it is impossible to make informed decisions and have an amazing birth experience. It is my calling to help other women have an empowering, safe, and satisfying birth. As a Doula, I am deeply committed to helping you realize all of your birth choices!
All Text, Images, and Other Content Copyright Belly Laughs Birth Services of Hampton Roads, 2013